We Always Find a Way..

It's Sunday again already?! We had such a great weekend out at our local campground, having some seasonal fun and celebrating Halloween. We have been going out there since Carter was a baby, so it has pretty much become a tradition. But this year we decided to take our own camper out there to try... Continue Reading →

Garlic Honey

🧄🍯Garlic Honey🍯🧄 - - - Recipe Below! And inspired by The Natural Minded Mama! Back to School germs are in full effect already, so let’s get ahead of the game and make some garlic honey to get us through cold and flu season too!! You know me
 I love a good all-natural health product that... Continue Reading →

“In My Mom Era”

I am in my mom era,Where some days I feel strong,And there are also other days,Where I feel like I do everything wrong.I am in my mom era,I rarely get time to rest,I am constantly moving, and planning,I like to think I am always trying my best.I am in my mom era,My house is literally... Continue Reading →

“What Does Blessing Mean?”

📾 cred: PaytonđŸ„č😍 So proud of that little hockey player above🏒, and cannot believe he will be SIX years old already next week!!đŸ„ș💚 After his hockey game tonight, I had all three kids by myself at the rink, so it was a little busy! But I asked Payton if she could take a picture of... Continue Reading →

Pumpkin Banana Muffins

We baked this recipe when Payton asked if we could bake something over the weekend. I honestly didn't have much to work with! The muffins in this recipe don't even have eggs in them because I didn't have any left! But we made them with what we had, and they turned out great. I am... Continue Reading →

Christmas Magic

It’s late.. everyone is sleeping, but I’m too excited lol. I think I needed to take the time to write quick to hopefully tire my eyes out a little bit! I am just so excited for tomorrow. There is nothing like being a mom on Christmas. That magic and love that you felt as a... Continue Reading →

The Elfing Package

Hoooray! Christmas season is here, and it’s time to spread all of the Christmas cheer! How many of you do “Elf on the Shelf” with your kiddos? Or maybe you’re a teacher and you do it in your classroom! We have “Jolly” who is our elf that starts on December 1st around our house, and... Continue Reading →

Crock Pot Chicken Noodle Soup

It’s soup and crock pot season! It’s also fall, which means it’s busy season too. I love having crock pot recipes to easily throw in, that will be ready by the time we are home from after-school activities! I do try and use organic veggies and spices when I can. My extra ingredient in this... Continue Reading →

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